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Rabik: We three kings of Orient are; bearing gifts we traverse afar

Oct 08, 2023Oct 08, 2023

The tradition of giving presents at Christmas has roots that go back as far as the Nativity story, whereupon the Three Wise Men gave gold, frankincense and myrrh to the baby Jesus.

The hustle and bustle of the season sometimes obscure the reasons for the tradition of giving gifts at Christmas. It is, however, a tradition grounded in history. The custom also exemplifies the human need to express thanks and adoration.

Christmas is a traditional time for giving presents. There are personal reasons why people give Christmas presents. The motivations vary by the individual, but there are some common themes.

The nativity story has a significant influence on the tradition of Christmas gift-giving. Christians cite the Three Wise Men, or Magi, as the biblical context for giving presents during the Christmas season. The Magi brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to Baby Jesus in the manger.

These precious items showed the respect and reverence the Wise Men had for the Son of God. Christians likewise bestow presents on family members, friends, and the needy as a way of remembering the Three Wise Men honoring the Christ Child. A modern interpretation of the custom is the recognition that Christmas is Jesus’ birthday. Since giving material birthday presents to Him is not possible, instead, people give gifts to each other in celebration of the day,

Christmas presents are a time to surprise and delight those we love. People enjoy finding that perfect gift … Once wrapped and delivered, the giver watches the recipient's happy face as he or she unwraps it.

There is also something special about children's anticipation and hope during this time of year. Little hands can barely stay away from the wrapped presents under the tree. Adults reflect back to their own childhood Christmases with nostalgia and fondness.

Many people use the Christmas season as a way to say thank you to individuals for their services and efforts throughout the year. People give these gifts to a wide variety of individuals including teachers, mailmen and newspaper delivery people.

Make believe you’re in Italy where Christmas evolves around La Befana, a type of Santa Claus except she is an old woman. Some stories cast her as a witch with a cleaning penchant who rides a broom and comes down chimneys with gifts for children on Epiphany (Twelfth Night). She is also reputed to clean the floors before she flies off.

According to J. K. Rowling, author of seven Harry Potter books, "Christmas Eve is a night for miracles and lost causes, a night when all things come to life, even toys."

In our secular culture, it's easy to forget that Jesus is the reason for the season. While devout Christians struggle to keep the spiritual meaning of Christmas alive and central to our culture, they also embrace the fact that everyone, including non-practicing Christians and non-Christians, love Christmas!

Christmas plays a large part in our lives. It is the day Jesus was born, and our family enjoys celebrating that very necessary and important day. He was born on Christmas and rose from the dead on Easter. His birth, death and resurrection are the ultimate gift, and God is the ultimate giver. The way in which we celebrate may be different, but the spirit endures forever.

When you give your presents, remember that the real meaning of Christmas is the giving of love every day.

It's as Linus says in "A Charlie Brown Christmas:" "I can tell you what Christmas is all about." He asks someone to turn on a spotlight. He then launches into Luke's Gospel of the Nativity story. "The angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shown about them, and they were so afraid. . ." Now he's gotten all his unruly friends’ attention, and they listen, rapt, to the true meaning of Christmas.

All of this brings us full circle to Linus. "For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you. Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger . . . ."

Holy and Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Bernard Rabik, a Hopewell Township attorney, is a columnist for The Times.